Folks, Troubling news emerged from the new product development community in New York last week. A well known crowd funding platform (with an unconventional and offbeat name) that brought interesting consumer products to market filed…
Has Product Development Gotten Too Quirky?
There's Safety in (Audit) Numbers!
Folks, We recently re-audited a contract manufacturer located in eastern China for a design/build client. The CM was tapped to fabricate complex formed metal and molded plastic sub-assemblies that were to be shipped to the…
“Is Your Product Fully Defined?”
Folks, We had a conversation with a potential client last week who wants to produce an automotive aftermarket product. What he described sounded cool, I could visualize how it would be used (cooler still) and…
Making a New Product is Like Making an Omelet...
Folks, I’m sure that many of you read the recent New York Times article “ZPM Espresso and the Rage of the Jilted Crowdfunder” published on April 30th. Beyond the well written narrative that described the…
Lower End of the BOM: Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing Baby!
Folks, With respect and proper attribution, I make reference to the great R&B hit “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing (Baby)”. Sung by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell and written by the extraordinary Ashford and…